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Welcome to the Actionpedia, where there is everything action (and crossovers)! We are so glad you visited today, and we hope you return soon! While you're here, feel free to help us edit or create articles! Have a great time enjoying this wiki!



Once a month, on the end of the first week of the month, we will begin nominations and votings for the Editor of the Month. It lasts until the last day of the month! Could you be the editor of the month? Maybe, but that's not for me to decide, but here are the rules!


  1. You cannot nominate yourself; someone else must nominate you.
  2. You can't vote for yourself, obviously.
  3. You cannot vote or nominate on the first two days of the month, those are catch up days.
  4. You have to be on the Wiki for at least a month to be nominated.
  5. You have to have at least 50 edits to vote, as to stop brand new people from voting.
  6. No canvassing/advertising, obviously. If you are caught canvassing/advertising, you will be removed from nomination.
  7. You can't win twice in a row.
  8. You cannot use another account to vote or nominate.

BONUS: This nomination is long. You can be nominated twice or thrice.

Successful Nominations


Failed Nominations


Where to Vote/Nominate

Actionpedia:Editor of the Month/Voting

How to Nominate

Reason for nomination.