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Manual of Style
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This page will outline what is expected for each Archaeological Site Page.



After creating the page, please use the {{Archaeological Site}} infobox and fill out the necessary information about the archaeological site in the spaces provided.

  • color - This section should match the physical appearance of the archaeological site. If the archaeological site is currently unknown, please leave it gray.
  • image - The image should show the archaeological site in the action franchises. It is also possible to have an image from other official media if the archaeological site has not appeared yet. The image(s) of a archaeological site should have a full-sized image in the highest quality possible. If the archaeological site doesn't have a full-sized image, the image may be cropped.
  • title - The name of the archaeological site goes here.
  • culture - The archaeological site's cultures goes here.
  • established - The year the archaeological site was established goes here.
  • location - This section should indicate where the archaeological site is.
  • first appearance - This should list the first appearance the archaeological site makes in any movies or series. If the archaeological site appears as a set, it should be placed below. Meanwhile, if the archaeological site never appears, list the episode the archaeological site was mentioned in.
  • status - The status of the archaeological site goes here.
  • fate - The fate of the archaeological site goes here.
  • structure - The structure of the archaeological site goes here.
  • artifact - Any artifacts hidden within the archaeological site goes here.


Another part of a archaeological site page is the quote. The {{Quote}} template should go at the very top of the page. For the quote itself, it should describe the archaeological site's famous motto, history, or role. The quote should not be something random which leaves the reader confused.

Opening Paragraph[]

The first section should have the title of article in bold as well as a brief, short info on the general archaeological site. If the archaeological site happens to have a nickname, please put the nickname in parentheses.

Required Headings[]

  • Locations

This section should describe the locations inside of or within the archaeological site.

  • Inhabitants (optional)

This section should include a list of people who currently live or used to live at the archaeological site.

  • Visitors (optional)

This section should include a list of people who visited the archaeological site.

  • History

This section should include the history of the archaeological site (in chronological order). This includes if the archaeological site was mentioned by a character.

  • Notes/Trivia

Any miscellaneous information about the archaeological site is placed here.

  • Gallery

Each archaeological site should have a gallery page attached. The gallery goes near the bottom of the page.

Finally, the {{Earth}} template must go at the bottom.

Other Guidelines[]
