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Welcome to the Actionpedia, where there is everything action (and crossovers)! We are so glad you visited today, and we hope you return soon! While you're here, feel free to help us edit or create articles! Have a great time enjoying this wiki!


The home page of Actionpedia.
Describes how the formating and editing should be done.
Request for Rights
Where any user can request for Moderator, Administrator, or Bureaucrat rights.

The Request for Rights is where a user can file a request to become a moderator, administrator, or bureaucrat. The wikia community votes, and if the user has more support votes than any others, the vote is passed on to a bureaucrat, who has the final say. You can nominate yourself or someone else (with their permission of course). Please file a request below on the RfM, RfR, RfA, or RfB section. Also, if you file a request, but do not meet the required requirements, then your request will not be approved.

NOTICE: Important Message

April 17, 2020: Due to a plethora of staff members in a wiki, we have decided to suspend the ability for users to request for rights until further notice. This rule will also applies for staff members.
