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“What is with the Constrictai and their vice-like grip? Let it go already.”
Pythor about the Constrictai's grip during a Serpentine meeting

The Constrictai grip is the special ability of the Constrictai tribe, specifically the Constrictai generals.


The Constrictai use a strong grip to squeeze and choke their opponents. It gives the Constrictai the ability to strangle opponents with their hands and tails, leaving them breathless. Unlike regular strangulation, the victims of the Constrictai Grip are said to never fully recover from the effects of the grip unless given the anti-venom from the Constrictai Staff.



This section of Constrictai grip includes some or all content from the "Constrictai grip" article from the Ninjago Wiki, a FANDOM project.

  • Unlike the other Serpentine abilities (barring Anacondrai Invisibility, as Pythor was the only member shown), the Constrictai Grip was only seen being used by Skalidor, presumably because he is the only member of his tribe with a tail. However, it's possible that the other Constrictai might use their hands.


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