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“Prime Empire is not just a video game. It's a ticket to another world. A world so immersive you'll think it's real. Prime Empire isn't going to change how games are played, it's going to change the world as we—.”

Prime Empire (originally called Unfinished Adventure Game I) is a legendary arcade game created by Milton Dyer in the 1990s.



There are fourteen levels of Prime Empire. While the names and details of the fourteen levels are currently unknown, some of them involve a platform, a dance challenge, climbing up the Cliffs of Hysteria, surviving the Speedway Five-Billion, weakening the Temple Labyrinth's Red Dragon, and defeating the sushi chefs at the Temple of Madness.

  1. A Journey into the Unknown
  2. The Forest of Discontent
  3. The Cliffs of Panic
  4. Getting pass the temple labyrinth
  5. Weakening the Red Dragon
  6. Speedway Five-Billion
  7. Avoiding obstacles at platforms in Terra Domina
  8. Surviving the infinity maze
  9. Defeating the dreaded challenger
  10. Dodging the obstacles in front of the Temple of Madness
  11. Defeating the Kabuki hostess
  12. Defeating the Sushimis
  13. Defeating Unagami

Relations with reality[]

When a player surpasses Level 13, they may enter Prime Empire. However, the consequences of exiting it are never acknowledged by any of the characters or by the story, therefore many of the things inside Prime Empire can also be brought to the realms, and vice versa.

Clothing and avatars[]

This section of Prime Empire includes some or all content from the "Prime Empire" article from the Ninjago Wiki, a FANDOM project.

The players of Prime Empire may keep their appearances and looks that they obtained inside the game. Sometimes, if characters edit their apparel, they can keep those changes in the real world. If a player buys an Avatar inside the game and then exits Prime Empire, they will lose the avatar, and keep their real clothes, or the ones they had before entering the game. Nonetheless, this is different for NPCs or the citizens that populated the game. They all kept their same clothes inside and outside the game.

Leftover parts of the game[]

This section of Prime Empire includes some or all content from the "Prime Empire" article from the Ninjago Wiki, a FANDOM project.

The character who exits the game still possess some of their items or weapons that they had inside Prime Empire.

Powers and abilities[]

This section of Prime Empire includes some or all content from the "Prime Empire" article from the Ninjago Wiki, a FANDOM project.

When a player enters Prime Empire, they lose all their abilities and powers, since they all must be obtained within the game.

Time and age[]

This section of Prime Empire includes some or all content from the "Prime Empire" article from the Ninjago Wiki, a FANDOM project.

The passage of the days inside Prime Empire is equivalent to the real world's, but the difference is that people inside the game do not age.




Promotional media[]



Real-world games

Board games: Gutbusters · Minidroid Chess · Wizard's Chess
Competition games: Scrap-N-Tap
Role-playing games: Dungeons & Dragons
Squid Games: Glass Stepping Stones · Lights Out · Marbles · Red Light, Green Light · Squid Game · Sugar Honeycombs · Tug of War
Other games: Ddakji · Rock, Paper, Clamp · Templegate Tigers

Video games

Conic the Ratboy · Counter · Dance Dance Revolution Supernova 2 · Dancy Pants · Fist to Face · Fist to Face 2 · Fist to Face 3 · Fist to Face 4 · Football Fortune · Iron · Jumanji · Lava Zombies · Lighthouse · Prime Empire (Level 13) · Rerender · Sitar Legend · Speed · Speed Bag · Spider-Bot · Stacker · Sushi Game · Turbo Street Brawler · Ukulele Legend
Puzzles: Ninjigma
