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Dark Ice    
I have had years to dwell on your betrayal. Years of resentment, alone, in the wild. And I realize now, it is time for your power to end. In my journeys, I have discovered a power that dwarfs your Formling abilities, an Elemental Power. You can bow to me now, willingly, or when I return in force unwillingly. In either event, I will assume my rightful place over you. The choice is yours.”
Vex to the Formlings, after he saw the Elemental Power of Ice

Ice is frozen water, a brittle transparent crystalline solid.

Users' Abilities

This section of Ice includes some or all content from the "Ice" article from the Ninjago Wiki, a FANDOM project.

  • Cryokinesis - The user can create and manipulate ice (usually used to coat surfaces frictionless and enemies solid with a layer of ice), create ice constructs (escape routes, barriers, etc.), or extinguish fires.
    • Cryokinetic Flight - The user can propel himself up with ice (possibly only in an environment with low gravity), when Zane propels himself with ice in the outer space.
    • Ice Blast - The user can release ice over a specific target area causing great damage and/or delivering great shock waves of pure force.
    • Freezing - The user can freeze anything via touching the target with their hands or feet.
    • Ice Sphere Projection - The user can create balls of ice to freeze everything that will come in contact.
    • Cryokinetic Surfing - The user can create a path made of ice to surf on for transportation.
    • Ice Molding - Allows the user to sculpt things alive or dead. The Ice Emperor probably used this to make some of the Ice Samurai.
    • Dark Ice Spreading - Allows some users to cover someone in Ice and turn them into Ice Samurai. When the Ice Samurai ambush Lloyd they use this twice on him.
      • Clairvoyance: In the Never realm, where the Ice Samurai control the Dark Ice, General Vex and the Ice Emperor can use their dark ice to briefly seen into the future and foresee possible outcomes or to spy on their enemies.
  • Elemental Shield - The user can create an Ice Elemental Shield.

Via the users' True Potential

  • Ice Mimicry - The user can transform temporarily their body completely in ice.
    • Cold Generation - The user can reduce the kinetic energy of atoms meaning they effectively make things colder, ranging from slightly chilly levels to absolute zero.
    • Ice Shield Construction - The user can create shields of ice that can protect against an adversary.
    • Ice Beam Emission - The user can produce a powerful beam of ice that freezes everything instantly.
    • Ice Tornado Generation - The user can generate vortexes composed of ice. The vortex can be projected as a long-ranged attack or as a tornado of ice for both offensive and/or defensive purposes.
    • Ice/Cold Immunity - If the user is in cold area, the user cannot be harmed or feel cold.
    • Ice Explosion Inducement - The user can cause an explosion of ice energy to freeze everything in the area.

Notable Users


Staff of Elements

  • Master Chen (formerly)
  • Kai (formerly)





Golden Power



Ice Symbol
Ice Wolf

The symbol of Ice is a wolf. This likely symbolizes Zane's loyalty to his friends, as a wolf would be loyal to its pack.



  • Ice corresponds with the Shurikens of Ice, Ice Dragons, and is generally associated with the color white.
  • According to Sorla, water is connected to ice.
  • The power of frozen water is often used to immobilize certain enemies as a distraction and is even seen to defeat villains with the power of cryokinesis immediately.


Promotional Media


Elemental Powers

Elemental essences

Creation · Darkness · Destruction · Energy · Golden Power

Elements of Creation

Earth (Earth Punch) · Fire · Ice · Lightning

Other elements

Air · Amber · Form · Gravity · Imagination · Light · Metal · Nature · Poison · Shadow · Smoke · Sound · Speed · Surprise · Technology · Time · Water · Wind
