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This article is about the disguise used by Count Olaf. For other uses, see Jacques Snicket.
“Did you procure the items I requested? I said "procure", when a perfectly normal word would do, because I, Jacques Snicket, am an insufferable know-it-all who likes to show off.”

"Jacques Snicket" was Count Olaf's disguise briefly while at the Hotel Denouement.



— {{{speaker}}}

“Did you procure the items I requested? I said "procure", when a perfectly normal word would do, because I, Jacques Snicket, am an insufferable know-it-all who likes to show off.”

—Count Olaf to Arthur Poe
— {{{speaker}}}

I promise to keep that file safe, or my name isn't Jacques Snicket, a pompous dogooder who is definitely not dead.”

Count Olaf to Arthur Poe

“Great, this was dry-clean only.”

Count Olaf on the stolen tuxedo

“It's blood.”

Count Olaf to Jerome Squalor and Babs in the sauna



Main article: Count Olaf/Gallery#"Jacques Snicket" 2