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“Hey, watch it. I'm shocked. Haha, correction: you're shocked.”
Jay to some Venomari

Lightning is giant spark discharge of electricity that forms mostly in storms.

Users' abilities[]

This section of Lightning includes some or all content from the "Lightning" article from the Ninjago Wiki, a FANDOM project.

  • Electrokinesis/Fulgurkinesis - Create, generate, increase, absorb, conduct, shape, and manipulate electricity of various intensities. Some users of this element can redirect natural lightning in an electrical storm. Also, the user can absorb electricity while removing the source, and using against an adversary.
    • Electrokinetic Flight - The user has the ability to fly.
    • Technokinesis - One application of Lightning, as Jay taught Lloyd, is to overload and power electrical devices or systems. Lloyd used his Lightning powers to overcharge a light bulb, allowing him to use the shards of glass to free himself from his bonds.
    • Electrical Force Field - The user can generate a shield of electricity as a defensive tactic.
    • Electricity Immunity - Some users of lightning are immune to concentrated electricity and natural lightning.
    • Electrical Infusion - the user can infuse objects, beings or powers with electricity, empowering and energizing them and allowing the user to manipulate their qualities and efficiency and use electricity in various ways to attack.
    • Electrical Bolt Projection - The user is able to create and project bolts of electricity and control the intensity/power of their projectiles, the bolts aren't weak but may not be as powerful as a full powered attack.
    • Electricity Surface Creation - The user can send electricity through a surface (often the ground or a floor), to channel electricity, sending electric shocks to anything in contact with them or the surface.
    • Electric Orb Projection - Few users are able to project an orb of electricity, when Jay tried to break Cole free from the Hypnobrai's hypnosis.
    • Electro-Magnekinesis/Magnetokinesis - The user can use their Lightning as a magnet.

via the users' True Potential[]

  • Lightning Mimicry - The user can temporarily transform their body completely into electricity.
    • Electroporation - This allows the user to also "teleport" short distances using electrical currents.

Higher-level powers[]

  • Dragon Form - Like the rest of the users of the elements of Creation, Lightning Elementals can unlock their Dragon Form, although it can only work through a sense of unity and a sequence of movements.
    • Flight - Once in Dragon Form, the user can fly with the wings on their back
    • Vengestone immunity - In Dragon Form, the user's powers are unaffected by Vengestone.
    • Infectious crystal immunity - A user of Dragon Form is unaffected by infectious crystals.

Notable users[]


Staff of Elements[]

  • Chen (formerly)
  • Kai (formerly)




Golden Power[]






Lightning Symbol
Lightning Octopus

The symbol of Lightning is an octopus. The silhouette of an octopus and its tentacles resembles a storm cloud discharging lightning. This likely represents Jay's discharges when he uses Lightning.




Promotional media[]



  1. The Blizzard Samurai
Elemental Powers

Elemental essences

Creation · Darkness · Destruction · Energy · Golden Power

Elements of Creation

Earth (Earth Punch) · Fire · Ice · Lightning

Other elements

Air · Amber · Form · Gravity · Imagination · Light · Metal · Nature · Poison · Shadow · Smoke · Sound · Speed · Surprise · Technology · Time · Water · Wind
