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“Grief will come to you all!”
— The Skull of Hazza D'ur to the Munce and the Geckles

Grief-Bringer (referred to as Meef-Bringer by the Munce and nicknamed Grief by the Skull of Hazza D'ur) is a monstrous dragon that once lived in the Heart of the Mountain that once menaced the Geckles and the Munce, until it was resurrected by the Skull Sorcerer, making it his loyal dragon.


Join Hero Kai, Hero Jay and Hero Nya in an exciting fight against the terrifying Skull Sorcerer’s Dragon inside the Dungeons of Shintaro. Beware of the dragon dropping a toxic ball of bones and spiders! Don’t get hit when it fires its shooters! It is imperative that the team of ninjas defeat this powerful creature and escape the clutches of the evil Skull Sorcerer.[1]


Decades ago, Grief-Bringer terrorized the Geckles and the Munce, but Lilly killed the dragon using Spinjitzu Burst and the Blades of Deliverance.


This section of Grief-Bringer includes some or all content from the "Grief-Bringer" article from the Ninjago Wiki, a FANDOM project.

  • He's the second villainous dragon that doesn't have the word "dragon" in his name, the first being Boreal.
  • According to Bragi Schut, he never considered Grief-Bringer as venomous, but the question hasn't been explored yet.[2]


Main article: Grief-Bringer/Gallery



Types of dragons

Combination dragons · Djinjagan Dragons · Dragonides · Dragon Mechs · Elemental Dragons · Ghost dragons · Jungle dragons · Lava dragons · Matriarch Dragons · Mountain dragons · Oni Dragons · Shintaran Ridgebacks · Skeletal dragons · Source Dragons

Good Dragons

Source Dragons: Imperium's Source Dragon
Oni Dragons: Fire Dragon · Firstbourne Dragon · Ice Dragon · Slab · Stormbringer · Stormbringer's baby · Wind Dragon
Ultra Dragon: Flame · Rocky · Shard · Wisp
Elemental Dragons: Elemental Creation Dragon · Elemental Earth Dragon · Elemental Fire Dragon · Elemental Form Dragon · Elemental Gravity Dragon · Elemental Ice Dragon · Elemental Light Dragon · Elemental Lightning Dragon · Elemental Metal Dragon · Elemental Mind Dragon · Elemental Nature Dragon · Elemental Poison Dragon · Elemental Shadow Dragon · Elemental Smoke Dragon · Elemental Speed Dragon · Elemental Water Dragon · Golden Dragon
Combination dragons: Fusion Dragon · Golden Ultra Dragon · Hydroelectric Dragon · Ultra Dragon
Dragon Mechs: Blue Dragon · Green Ninja Mech Dragon
Shintaran Ridgebacks: Chompy
Skeletal dragons: Grief-Bringer
Jungle dragons: Zippy
Matriarch Dragons: Dragon Matriarch
Mountain dragons: Riyu
Lava dragons: Heatwave
Djinjagan Dragons: Zanth
Dragon Masters: Egalt · Rontu
Other: Earth Dragons · Fire Dragon · Ice Dragons · Jiro · Legendary Dragon · Thunder Dragon · Water Dragon

Evil Dragons

Elemental Dragons: Elemental Wind Dragon
Dragon Mechs: Empire Dragon · Nindroid MechDragon
Skeletal dragons: Grief-Bringer
