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“Hey, Jay. I saw Zane try to repair the sparring bot earlier. Isn't that your expertise?”
Lloyd to Jay

The sparring bots are training robots created by Jay, equipped with many weapons and a multi-level artificial intelligence that enables it to provide various levels of challenge for the Ninja during their training.


This section of Sparring bots includes some or all content from the "Sparring bots" article from the Ninjago Wiki, a FANDOM project.

The Sparring Robots are large silver humanoid machines with multi-sectioned bodies. The lowest section features several red wheels that enable the robots to move around. Above the wheeled section is a smaller, cylindrical component equipped with small arms holding bamboo staffs. The next section is similarly shaped, but with larger, red-colored arms with a variety of shapes—one is similar to a crane and tipped with a large iron ball, and another resembles a lobster claw with short bamboo sticks on its upper surface and a small hook on its tip. They also feature a small electronic display showing the robots' current combat level. The final section is the smallest of them all, featuring a small metal mustache, a conical hat, and a ring of orange, eye-like lights.



This section of Sparring bots includes some or all content from the "Sparring bots" article from the Ninjago Wiki, a FANDOM project.

  • The Sparring Robots are designed to rotate its various sections while advancing on the opponent, allowing them to use all of their weapons at once.
  • They can be set to various levels of combat, with the highest known level being "9."


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