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Zane, the venom of the Venomari can make you see things. Cloud your perception.”

Venomari Venom is the special ability of the Venomari tribe.


Venomari Venom is a green liquid which they can spit at foes, causing them to hallucinate. The visions vary between victims, but are said to embody their worst fears. In some media, the venom also has corrosive properties, eating through many materials. Victims of Venomari Venom typically gain lime green eyes while the venom is at work. Venomari Venom wears off over a period of time, during which the hallucinations gradually become less extreme (but are still shown to be bizarre). Unlike regular venom, the victims of the Venomari Venom are said to never fully recover from the effects of the venom unless given the anti-venom from the Venomari Staff.

Kai saw the Constrictai as gingerbread men and the Venomari as Christmas elves. Later, he apparently saw the Samurai Mech as Santa Claus, and thought that Master Wu's beard was moving. The people at the Mega Monster Amusement Park had hallucinations that made the ride seem scary. Zane saw the Serpentine and his teammates as walking food.




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